
Fantasy Classes Breakdown And Recreation: Part Two - Class Categories

Now that we have our basic and not-so-basic stats for our hypothetical game, we need to talk about classes. About time, too, I am such a slack blogger.  But before we can get stuck into individual character classes, we need to talk about class categories . We've already got The Big Three divisions of Fighter, Rogue and Mage, so what else is there? Well, c haracter classes are essentially jobs : the specific role that a class plays in order to Make It Work, whatever 'It' happens to be: saving the world, defeating the dark lord, baking a cake, whatever.  It is interesting to note that when designing any system in which you have different roles for different characters, you can never quite get away from the spectre of specialisation . If you want multiple classes for people to choose from, you need to have them be good or bad at different things: there truly seems to be no way around it, at least none that I can think of. It's also still u p in the air whether this system ...

Fantasy Classes Breakdown And Recreation: Part One - Core Character Stats

So in this post I'm going to be tackling something that I'm probably wildly unqualified to do: design RPG mechanics from scratch. Woo!  Basically for the next few posts, we're going to be breaking down the logic of so called 'standard' fantasy RPG mechanics and classes and building them back up again. It bears mentioning that I have never played a tabletop Role-Playing Game in my life, and at this rate I probably never will. But it would be remiss to not mention them in a post on RPG mechanics, even though I usually approach and think about RPG elements in a video-gaming context as opposed to a table-top one.  For this first post, we're starting with with character statistics. Character classes are defined by their abilities, therefore what they are good or bad at and therefore: basic stats.  Standard D&D Stats This is literally the first image that pops up if you image search, D&D.  ... is it bad that I keep forgetting that there are dragons in it? So l...

Redesigning Elves - An Uber-Nerdy World-Building Exercise

My first attempt at creating elves did not go according to plan.  I love fantasy as a genre. Which is odd to say on introspection, because the amount of fantasy literature, films and games that I have indulged in and am genuinely fond of is rather limited. It's basically limited to these options...  Literature : Discworld and The Malazan Book of the Fallen series, The Hobbit and Mogworld.  Films : The Lord of The Rings trilogy and the made-for-Netflix film Bright. Don't judge me, dammit, I likes what I likes.  Video Games : The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Darkest Dungeon, Bastion, The Battle for Middle Earth II and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Wow, I might play too many video games.  You'll notice that most of Tolkien's literary works are missing from the literature section. You'll also notice that no direct Dungeons & Dragons product is in there at all, aside from the IP that was directly inspired by it (which to be fair, is a lo...